
The Robbie Collomore Series is grateful for the generous support of the following organizations and individuals during our previous concert season. Please consider adding your support for our current season by making a contribution. Your donation will be acknowledged here and in our concert program.

Concert Sponsors
Cable Prep
Essex Savings Bank &
Essex Financial Services
MAI Capital Management LLC
Masonicare at Chester Village

ASP Trust

Ray & Liz Archambault
Ann Drinan & Algis Kaupas
David Fortin & Mary Beth Boucher
Lois & Martin Nadel

Rita Christopher
Wendy Graae
Susan Hellen
JoAnn Hewett & George Burger
Laurel Johnson
James Paisley & Gail Stanton
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Ryland


Marion & James Bairstow
James Baker & Christine Palm
Vernon Eng
Victor & Suzanne Fetter
Joan Fox
Marie Anne Heft
Rick & Pat Holloway
Jane Homick
Skip & Karen Hubbard
Louisa & Jerry Ketron
Jennie Kitsen
James Lind
Nikki Lindberg
Jonathan Parsons
James Pelati
Bettie Perreault
Anne B. Pierson, M.D.
Regine & Samuel Powell
John & Lisa Schroeder
Roynn Simmons
Margaret & Whitelaw Wilson

Government Sponsors
Support has been provided from CT Humanities, with funding provided by the Connecticut State Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD)/Connecticut Office of the Arts (COA) from the Connecticut State Legislature.